Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Who May Be A Fool, But If He Love?- The Hunter

In part 2 of "The Knights Tale".

Arcite and Palamon, do their best effort to get closer to Emeyle. Arcite gives himself a different identity, dressing up as a poor servant of Emeyle, and eventually earns praise from Theseuse for his good work.

Palamon is still in jail, so with the help of a friend he breaks out of jail. He wants to have a war againsts Theseus so that Emeyle may be his wife.

In this part of the story, Palamon and Arcite are described as two different creatures. Arcite is the 'cruel tiger', and Palamon is viewed as the 'mad lion.' When we are introduced to Theseus for the second time, we are told he is a hunter. Therefore we can view Palamon and Arcite as a game for Theseus. He is very wise, and so this game is no ordinary sport of love, of which Palamon and Arcitee are fighting for. Since he is wise he tells them that they can't both have her, and from this conclusion he says that they should both fight with a hundred men on each side. Whoever wins will have Emelye as his wife, and the other will be killed. This appears to be fair, and slightly crazy, but Arcite and Palamon are eager to start this war and they, “thanked him with all their heart and might." One might see them as fools; like Theseus calls them earlier "Who may be a fool but if he love?" he is the hunter, Arcite and Palamon the game, and Emeyle the prize.

Who Hath The Worse, Arcite or Palamoun?

"Knights Tale" Part 1.

Last Stanza of "Knights Tale" part 1

"1347 Yow loveres axe I now this questioun:
"Yow lovers now I ask this
1348 Who hath the worse, Arcite or Palamoun?
Who has the
worse, Arcite or Palamon?
1349 That oon may seen his lady day by day,
That one may see his lady every day,
1350 But in prison he moot dwelle
But in prison he must always dwell;
1351 That oother wher hym
list may ride or go,
That other where he pleases may ride or walk,
But seen his lady shal he nevere mo.
But he shall see his lady nevermore.
1353 Now demeth as yow liste, ye that kan,
Now judge as it pleases you,
you who know (of such things),
1354 For I wol telle forth as I bigan. "
For I will tell forth as I began. "

At the end of part one of "The Knights Tale" we are asked who has it worse, Arcite or Palamon? They both are in love with a beautiful woman called Emeyle, and both want to be with her. They were both locked in the prisons of Athens, and could see her everyday walking in the garden outside their jail.
Now Arcite has been release, but if he meets with Theseus he shall be killed. He is free, but with a price on his head. He is jealous of Palamon, because Palamon can still see Emelye walking in the gardens every day, he is safe within a jail, and he is a knight. He can never go close to the jail, because that’s where Theseus is, and he may end up dead, "That other where he pleases may ride or walk, But he shall see his lady nevermore."

Palamon (who Arcite considers to be the more fortunate one) is locked away in prison, and may never get out. He has to die in prison and may never do anything with his life. Although he can see Emeyle all the time, he finds that Arcite is more fortunate. Arcite is a lord, and he can gather the rest of their family to have a war against Theseuse and his army. Arcite can walk freely, and if he wins the war he can have Emeyle as his wife, his queen. Palamon feels that he is locked away forever, and that he may never meet Emeyle, or have her as his wife, “That one may see his lady every day, But in prison he must always dwell ."

They both see the possibilities that the other man has, but are blind to their own situation. They are cousins and love each other, but now hate each other because they both love the same woman. One sees her as a holy godess, while the other sees her as a beautiful creature. They are blind in love and they are blind to what they can do in each situation. What is better? To be locked away and still see your love? or to be free with a price on your head, and never see your love?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is a blog?

I believe a blog is a place where a person can express his or her thoughts. This place is expresses a persons view on a subject in the form of writing and is meant to be seen by others on the free floating database we call the internet.Blogs can be formal or informal, but most tend to be informal. Blogs are opinions on ones life or on other events happening out side of our personal box in life. Basically a blog is where ideas on a topic are expressed, read, commented on, and discussed.The blog world is huge. One can spend hours jumping from one blog to the next, reading up on one topic, but a thousand opinions. Blogs are part of a large ocean of opinions and information, its up to the reader to chose where to dive and what fish to catch.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Movement In Veins:The Blood, The Blood, The Blood

Movement. The movement throughout the whole entire reading of "Migration" was fascinating. The movement in the voice of the reader Dorain Marina, combined with the music and the smooth changing color animation create, areal experience for a person to feel.

The whole entire video was moving, like all animations , but it was not just visual, you could also hear the movement. The change of object also moves, as one explanation moves into another one. Each description explains where its been, why its there, and how it looks like. "On the boats come the goods that cross the waters. Like veins and blood, rushing, the goods cross the waters" is one line that is said and changed several times throughout the whole video. If we think of blood like a good, it travels through veins to arrive to various destinations to leave or pick up whatever it needs, just like the boat with the goods. The goods are dropped off or picked up from different areas.

You can see the silk, you can see the nuts and the different colors described because of the movement in the music, the voice and the video. This constant change allows the reader to view the vast amount of culture and variety that can be seen on a normal shipping boat.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Vocabulary in Context

"Context clues are words and phrases in a sentence which help you reason out the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Oftentimes you can figure out the meanings of new or unfamiliar vocabulary by paying attention to the surrounding language."

Essay: "Why We Travel"


1) What does teh word "crucble" mean?

A. Destruction of the innocent.
B. A dramatized event.
C. A hunting tool.
D. A container.

2) How would the meaning of this sentence change, if another word was used either than the word "cracking"
"Languages facilitates this cracking open, for when we go to France, we often migrate to French, and the more chidlikeself simple and polite, that speaking a forgein language educes."

3) What does the word "educe" from the sentence above, mean?

A. To create.
B. To bring out.
C. To adjust.
D. To aquaint with.

There are several meanings to the "caste". What do you think it means in the following sentence?

B) Culture
C) Political Power
D) To cut off