Saturday, August 21, 2010

Vocabulary in Context

"Context clues are words and phrases in a sentence which help you reason out the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Oftentimes you can figure out the meanings of new or unfamiliar vocabulary by paying attention to the surrounding language."

Essay: "Why We Travel"


1) What does teh word "crucble" mean?

A. Destruction of the innocent.
B. A dramatized event.
C. A hunting tool.
D. A container.

2) How would the meaning of this sentence change, if another word was used either than the word "cracking"
"Languages facilitates this cracking open, for when we go to France, we often migrate to French, and the more chidlikeself simple and polite, that speaking a forgein language educes."

3) What does the word "educe" from the sentence above, mean?

A. To create.
B. To bring out.
C. To adjust.
D. To aquaint with.

There are several meanings to the "caste". What do you think it means in the following sentence?

B) Culture
C) Political Power
D) To cut off

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