Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Moving Heart of Darkness

In Dreams by ~Maleda on deviantART
As I continued to read the novel, "Heart of Darkness" I began to envision the descriptions placed more and more as a painting. Eventually I could imagine the seens in my head, like a movie. Word by word, screen shot by screen shot. I realised I was enjoying the descriptions I was reading. I was learning how depictive and majectic Joseph Conrad is with his writing, and now I am sorry for what I said in my first blog. Offcourse, I still dislike the beginning, but the further I read in the book, the more I like of it.

Now I can envision Heart of Darkness as a movie. Perhaps it already is. There are objects, and moments which reappear, and the novel almost has an Inception sort of feel to it. It is not a dream within a dream, or maybe it is, but it does have sense of being in more than one places at once. There are various audiences, as well as different story tellers.

The first story teller is Joseph Conrad, who is the omnipotent writer of the novel. He tells us the story through his characters words. The character who tells us the story is anonymous, and he himself is reapeating the words of another narrator, Marlow. This centralized character, Marlow, is mainly telling his own story, but within his story he has other narrators who take the stage for a short moment to explain a moment of their life, or why things happen.

There are also several audiences. We are an obvious audience, there is an audience on the boat, and Marlow himself is an audience to the people he describes.

We have more than this Audience, Narrator thing going on (obviously). We also have several repeated objects and moments ( oh! do tell us blogger Annamaria!). Now you see, if I was making a movie about this book, I would pay close attention to these objects. Objects, such as the one animal which appears in about everysing chapter, the hippo. What does the hippo mean? I don't know yet, perhaps some symbolic feature. I think I will blog about the hippo next, seems rather interesting how often its repeated. We also have the words "black" "white" "bright" and "dark" appear alot. The contrasts bettween these words are very important, if there is a movie, I can imagine it plays with these colors alot. Part of that darkness, is the dark figure, or the white man that changes who it is depending who is seeing the person.

Overall, I think if there was a movie based on this book, colors, descriptions, repitition, and symbolism would be very important.
One paragraph, in particular, caught my eye, and I would like to conclud my blog with that excerpt from the book:
"I became in an instant as much of a pretence as the rest of the bewitched pilgrims. This simply because I had a notion it somehow would be of help to Kurtz whom at the time I did not see- you understand. Do you see him? Do you see the story? Do you see anything? Its seems to me I am trying to tell you a dream- making a vain attempt, because no relation of a dream can convey the dream-sensation, that commingly of absurdity, surprise, and bewilderment in a tremor of strugling revolt, that notion of being captured by the incredible which is of the very essence of dreams..."

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