Sunday, April 3, 2011

How do you get somebody to love you?

mature by ~atrophi on deviantART From the very start of the novel, "The Bluest Eye" I was drawn into the story from the first words, "here is the house." There is a small story at the start of the whole novel, which appearst to have no reason for being there. Perhaps I will know later on what it means. This short story explores the use of punctuations and spaces.. First the sentences are short, and have commas and periods. Then, the story has no punction, and later, no spaces. Its a strange yet intriging beginning. What really caught my attention in the first chapter of the book, was the way the girls reacted to adults and adulthood. Specifically, how Claudia, the main character, reacts to her mothers scolds, and how she describes what they truly are, " My mother's voice drones on. She is not talking to me. She is talking to the puke, but she is calling it my name: Claudia." The moment she describes a relationship with an adult, is also the moment we learn her name. She views grownups as a group of people who nag, and who can be annoying, but have power, and whom you must obey, "Grown-ups talk in tired, edgy voices." But not all adults are like this, she specifically describes women to be this way. Mr.Henry is described as a man who is "pleasantly mysterious", not at all an annoying yacky-dy-yack stubborn mother. The mother on the otherhand, along with her friends, are a group of gossiping birds who "do not hide thier curiousity" and are like "a gently wicked dance." Grown-ups is a terminology used to only describe the people they obey, which is why Claudia states that, "with grown-ups we listen to watch out for thier voices." 'Grown-ups' are practically like dangerous creatures., and belong to a dangerous mysterious world, 'outdoors' of thier own childlike world. Men are seen as "sensible" or "pleasant." Quiet the opposite of what women are viewed as. They are viewed as balanced people who seem to know what they are doing. Mr. Henry is an example of this perfect man, he smells wonderful, he smiles alot, and actually talks to the young girls. When we first here about thier father, we are told that he smiles. When the young girl, Pecola, joins the family, it is also the beginning of her journey into adulthood. To become one of those, "grownups." She has to start understanding things about her body which she didn't know about before. She learns what her body is capable off. She is on a diffrent level then Claudia and her sister, who have yet to mature. But will she become another grown up?We have yet to find out.

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