The Road. Blogger: read up to page 150. *note, blog contains original text along with added phrases* No other way to describe thier feelings for one another, but through specific pharses, and then some.
Child: Father, you reached out and touched my hand one night. Why?
Father: Wanted to make sure you were safe. *No, I had a nightmare of a horrid creature, and was hoping you were not dead. I had to know you still excisted outside the dream world*
Child: Okay.
Child: I am alright. I am still here. *No need to look at me. I am alright, even though I want to stop, cry, and die*
Father: *Son, I hope you are alright. No need for you to see this terrible world I see through these binoculors, maybe your mom was right, she was always right*
Child: Can I See?
Father: * No! You should not be seeing these things, your only a child! Children are easily traumatized! There is no hope in this view!* Yes. Offcourse... What do you see?
Child: Nothing.
Father: (sighs) Yes, I know. *There is nothing, but a hope for no hope*
Child: Can I ask a question? * This time PLEASE answer it truthfully dad.*
Father: Yes Offcourse.
Child: Are we going to die?
Father: *Ouch* I would have died if the boy didn't excist, he is all I have* He won't die,I can't let it happen* Sometime. Not Now.
Child: Okay *His voice quivered. Maybe dad doesn't know.*
Father: Okay What? *Son, don't losse hope. I might, but your the one item containing my hope*
Child: Nothing.* We are going to die! At least dad is confortimg* Just Okay.
Child: What would you do if I died?
Father: If you died I would want to die too. *For that would mean all hope would be lost in my life. If all hope is gone, than my life is meaningless*
Child: So you could be with me?
Father: Yes. So I could be with you. * God, I have to be with him*
Father: Here, Its a treat. For you.
Son: What is it, Papa?
Father: Go ahead, taste it. **you will never taste the world of before, but this is the closest I can get for you.**
Son: Its Bubbly.
Father: Yes, I know. * I know of a world you will never know of*
Son: You have some. * We must share memories that I do not know of*
Father: You drink it, I want you to have it.
Son: Its because I won't be able to drink one ever, isn't it?
Father: Ever is a long time. * darn, he read my mind*
Son: Okay.
Father: *He Whispered to the sleeping boy* I have you *showing he does not hold on to anything else. There is no later, this is later.*
Father: You mean you wish to be dead?
Son: Yes.
Father: Don't say that, its wrong to say that.
Son: How do I stop?
Father: I don't know. * I am in the same position. I can do nothing. I am worthless. Hopefully you have something to hold on, like I am holding on to you.
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