Monday, November 22, 2010

Increase of Admiration

Darcy has a constantly changing view on Elizabeth Benneth throughout the entire Novel, "Pride and Prejudice." His view changes from finding her to be average, to realising she is the woman he does not want to live without. There are several points where Mr.Darcys opinion is stated. The most notable is his first one, where he tells Mr.Bingley that Elizabeth Bennet is, "tolerable" but is "not handsome enough to tempt" him. He does not want to agknowledge women who are, "slighted by other men" like Bingley does with the beautiful Jane Bennet.

In chapter six, Mr.Darcy's change in opinion about Elizabeth Bennet, has begun to take place. Elizabeth is now, "becoming an object of some interest in the eyes" of Mr.Darcy. At first he did not consider her pretty in the slightest, "he had looked at her without admiration." Now, Mr.Darcy is a little attracted the young lady saying she is, "uncommonly inteligent" and has a "beautiful expression of her dark eyes." He does not only look at her intelligence but also at her body form saying that it is "light and pleasing." Now Elizabeth isn't "tolerable" anymore, instead she is now has "a pair of fine eyes" and is considered a "pretty woman" by Mr.Darcy.

If in chapter 6 Mr.Darcy was just noticing Elizabeth, he really has his eyes fixed on her in chapter 10. Which makes Elizabeth feel uncomfortable, since she is unsure how to react to being "an object of admiration to so great a man." Especially since she did not like him, just like he did not like her. We as readers also begin to admire Mr.Darcy as he admires Elizabeth. We are now told that he has, "gallantry." Just like Elizabeth we are confused by this change. He use not not even look at her and now he is "bewitched" by her. Perhaps now his past opinion has been ,"lost forever."

In chapter 34, he is now nervous around her and is now entirely "bewitched" by her. He says nothing when he enters the room, and then he admits his love for her, "In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." Although Elizabeth already knew this, it still comes as a shock "Elizabeth's astonishment was beyond expression". Especially after a small misunderstanding they had.

Now that thier relationship begins to develop. We learn more as readers. Mr.Darcy actually liked Elizabeth based on his first aquaintance with her!"But that was only when I first knew her, for it is many months since I have considered her as one of the handsomest women of my acquaintance." It turns out he has liked her for some time, although when he first saw her, he was not very impressed.

As a reader, I have yet to complete the last chapters to discover how else Mr.Darcy's love changes for Elizabeth. Elizabeth mirrors Darcy's change in view of the opposite person. They have many similar opinions, and react to alot of the situations in the same way although they come from diffrent backrounds.

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